Monday 27 November 2017

Pictures: Tree Removal or The Art

Tommy Jones prepares to be hoisted up , to saw a magnolia tree apart out of the property round the Leon County Traffic Court building. The business says they have been occupied as Hurricane Hermine spanned through Tallahassee, with projects backed up to over a month outside, based on their safety based urgency.  

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Friday 24 November 2017

Thursday 23 November 2017

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Image of Asia: Taking a selfie at Beijing art installation

For an art installation in Beijing, a woman takes a selfie within this photo by Associated Press photographer Andy Wong. Held at Today Art Museum from the Chinese capital, the exhibit jointly known as “. Zip” shows work by different Chinese artists using light and sound. ___ This image was created using a 24-70mm zoom …

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Wednesday 22 November 2017

Pictures: Jim Dine art installation at Chazen

Marking the end of a effort, a work by modern artist Jim Dine is installed at the Chazen Museum of Art at Madison. Four-panel, the custom

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Why You Should Look For The Top 10 Meditation Books Out There

Meditation offers numerous benefits. If you want to take advantage of some of these benefits, you should try purchasing some sort of meditation book. However, you shouldn’t pick up just any book. You should look at the top 10 meditation books from before you look at anything else.

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Monday 20 November 2017

TA art College Shows image of Netanyahu Using Hitler mustache

A poster of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chose to make him seem like Hitler was temporarily exhibited in an art school in Tel Aviv on Thursday, widening a controversy over free speech and incitement that began earlier this week when a poster containing Netanyahu with a hangman’s noose, and another one of the prime minister from the nude, were displayed at a Jerusalem artwork school.

Thursday’s work comes with a black-and-white photo of this prime minister using the Hebrew term for “incitement” put under his nose in a manner that looks similar to Adolf Hitler’s iconic mustache. It was put on screen in Ramat Gan’s Shenkar College of Art.

Shenkar officials stated they didn’t know who set up the poster, nor who removed it. By temporarily blocking streets, pupils at the school also protested against the perceived crackdown on freedom of speech.

Simultaneously, pupils at Jerusalem’s Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, in which the Netanyahu noose poster was displayed on Monday, and the naked Netanyahu on Wednesday, staged a two-hour attack protesting what they uttered as infringement of freedom of speech following a student was questioned by authorities under caution for making the noose artwork. Probed for incitement, she is not predicted to be charged.

Thursday in Bezalel, the Netanyahu noose poster was displayed.

Some 200 students participate from the Bezalel attack in protest in law enforcement evaluation of the pupil who made the artwork amid accusations of incitement. She was questioned on Wednesday and Tuesday evening.

Nadav Heipert, chairman of the Bezalel student union, told Ynet, “We have crossed a red line. Bringing in political causes and limiting freedom of speech represents a real threat to us.”

A Likud official sparked the controversy of this week following posting an image of this Netanyahu noose poster. The artwork was criticized by some politicians in both opposition and the coalition. Others slammed the decision to dictate that the pupil responsible be questioned.

The attorney for the pupil said she had not intended to be intriguing, but’d produced the work.

Accusations of incitement have dogged Netanyahu since the weeks before the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin in 1995, when he and other senior Likud members attended a right-wing governmental rally in Jerusalem at which protesters branded Rabin a “traitor,”“murderer” and “Nazi” for signing a peace agreement with the Palestinians earlier that season.

Critics state Netanyahu — who stood with other right-wing politicians onto a balcony over Zion Square as the protests unfolded beneath him, as demonstrators took a coffin behind him, and that marched into a Ra’anana demonstration — dismissed rhetoric which appeared alongside Rabin’s murder.

In response the prime ministry shared with a video clip of him “definitively denouncing the hate speech directed at the ministry,” on Facebook and urged viewers to “judge for yourself.”

In early November Netanyahu came under fire from left handed and centrist lawmakers after he failed to condemn a claim by fellow Likud MK and coalition chairman David Bitan which Rabin’s assassination was “not political.”

Afterwards in November Rabin’s daughter cautioned that incitement against political adversaries continues in Israel’s political disagreements.

Activist Yigal Amir shot dead rabin in the end of a peace rally in Tel Aviv on November 4, 1995.

Speaking at an event to mark the anniversary of his assassination, Rabin’s daughter Dalia cautioned that the schisms that contributed to her dad’s killing and divided Israel in the time are still in signs in Israel’s public discourse.

“This murder was terrible. It is an open ended for all of us in the family, but it is also an open ended for our state,” she said in the ceremony.

“The incitement from earlier has not ended. Portions of the country are still in denial and find methods to argue that maybe it was great to kill him,” she said.

Itay Zalait, the sculptor, stated that this was only the first in a collection of actions he was intending.

“The goal is to check the bounds of free speech in Israel at 2016,” he said. “What happens when I exhibit a sculpture like this? Will it attract sanctions, such as arrest, such as? Or will it simply be removed?”


Wednesday 15 November 2017

Pictures: Pieces of ‘Gun Art’ We Could Not Believe

In OutdoorHub, guns are loved by us as much as anybody. With that being said, we stumbled upon a genre of art known as “gun art” and we do not know what to make of it… In a collection called, “Reliquaries,” cathedral artist Al Farrow combines guns, ammunition and bombs to construct really breathtaking sculptures of dinosaurs …

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Tuesday 14 November 2017

Shard designer on the shortlist to create #250m London concert hall

The Shard’s designer is among six architects shortlisted to make London’s brand new 250million concert hall, it was announced today. Renzo Piano will go head-to-head together with Foster and Partners, and five companies supporting the Guggenheim Museum at Bilbao, such as Gehry Partners, the practice which assembled the Gherkin.

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Monday 13 November 2017

Picture of Asia: Shooting a selfie in Beijing art Setup

Within this photograph by Associated Press photographer Andy Wong, a woman takes a selfie for an audio-visual art installation in Beijing.

Held at Nowadays Art Museum in the Chinese capital, the display jointly known as “. Zip” shows work by various Chinese artists using light and sound.


This picture was created using a lens in aperture of f2 .8 a shutter speed of 1/60, and ISO 1250

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Friday 10 November 2017

Thursday 9 November 2017

Dotcom Photo Studio Client Spotlight: Art of Play

“It is so important to observe the facts in the texture,” said Dan. He continued to explain that if viewing a photograph of an Art of Play product, put it away and the client should want to pick up.

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Saturday 4 November 2017

Classic Recreations 1966 Shelby GT350 Photo & Image Gallery

View all photos of Classic Recreations 1966 Shelby GT350

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